
money. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
The currency that the security is traded in. London Stock Exchange Glossary

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currency cur‧ren‧cy [ˈkʌrənsi ǁ ˈkɜːr-] written abbreviation cur noun currencies PLURALFORM FINANCE
1. [countable, uncountable] the system or type of money used in a particular country:

• The local currency is the rupee.

• The dollar was lower against European currencies.

— see also basket of currencies
ˌblocked ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a currency which a government does not allow to be taken out of the country or changed into other currencies
conˌvertible ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a currency that can be freely exchanged for another:

• Croatia has created a strong, convertible currency backed by growing foreign currency reserves.

ˌdecimal ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a currency whose main unit is divided into a hundred smaller units, for example dollars and cents
doˌmestic ˈcurrency also ˌlocal ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
the currency of the home country of a particular user:

• An importer might be able to make payment in his own domestic currency if this is acceptable to the exporter.

ˌfixed ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
another name for a pegged currency
ˌfloating ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a currency whose value is allowed to change in relation to other currencies:

• The South Korean won had its first day as a fully floating currency yesterday, increasing in value against the US dollar.

ˌforeign ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a currency or currencies not belonging to your own country:

• Exports will bring in valuable foreign currency.

ˌhard ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a currency that keeps its value or whose value increases in relation to other currencies, and is used for international payments:

• Vietnam was obliged to pay in hard currency, rather than in roubles, for goods imported from Russia.

ˌnon-conˌvertible ˈcurrency also ˌinconvertible ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a currency that cannot be exchanged for other currencies:

• There is no guarantee that earnings in the local, non-convertible currency, the Dong, can be exchanged for hard currency.

ˌpaper ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a currency based on paper notes rather than on gold and silver coins:

• The creation of a paper currency was central to the financial revolution and the growth of commerce.

ˌpegged ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a currency that is controlled by the central bank in a country so that it keeps the same value against other currencies
reˌserve ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a currency held by governments because of its strength and its usefulness in making international payments:

• The US dollar is the most commonly used reserve currency for international trade.

ˌsingle ˈcurrency [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
the Euro, the common currency introduced in many European Union countries in 1999:

• Some countries in the EU, such as Britain, have still not joined the single currency.

ˌsoft ˈcurrency also ˌweak ˈcurrency
[countable, uncountable] FINANCE a currency that regularly loses value in relation to others:

• The euro may be seen as a soft currency due to its use by countries with histories of high budget deficits and inflation.

2. [uncountable] ECONOMICS in the US, banknotes and coins, especially when considered as part of the money supply (= the amount of money in an economy at a particular time ) :

• The money supply, essentially the sum of all currency and bank deposits, barely grew in the fourth quarter.

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currency UK US /ˈkʌrənsi/ noun [C or U] (plural currencies) (ABBREVIATION cur)
MONEY, FINANCE the system of money that is used in a particular country at a particular time: domestic/foreign/local currency »

The deal will be done in the local currency.

stable/strong/weak currency »

They benefited from having a stable currency over a long period of time.

buy/sell currency »

Currency is bought on the currency foreign exchange, also known as the forex exchange.

devalue/revalue a currency »

The Central bank devalued the currency to curb rising inflation.

a currency rises/falls »

Stocks jumped and the currency rose for the first time in several weeks.

currency dealing/trade/trading »

This website will give you top tips on the foreign exchange markets from currency trading experts..


currency dealer/trader

See also BASKET OF CURRENCIES(Cf. ↑basket of currencies), BLOCKED CURRENCY(Cf. ↑blocked currency), CONVERTIBLE CURRENCY(Cf. ↑convertible currency), DECIMAL CURRENCY(Cf. ↑decimal currency), DIGITAL CURRENCY(Cf. ↑digital currency), DUAL CURRENCY(Cf. ↑dual currency), E-CURRENCY(Cf. ↑e-currency), FIXED CURRENCY(Cf. ↑fixed currency), FLOATING CURRENCY(Cf. ↑floating currency), HARD CURRENCY(Cf. ↑hard currency), INCONVERTIBLE CURRENCY(Cf. ↑inconvertible currency), NON-CONVERTIBLE CURRENCY(Cf. ↑non-convertible currency), PAPER CURRENCY(Cf. ↑paper currency), PEGGED CURRENCY(Cf. ↑pegged currency), RESERVE CURRENCY(Cf. ↑reserve currency), SINGLE CURRENCY(Cf. ↑single currency), SOFT CURRENCY(Cf. ↑soft currency), UNIT OF CURRENCY(Cf. ↑unit of currency)

Financial and business terms. 2012.

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